Incredible boxes decorated with ornaments, with a blaze of colors… No customer will walk by such an exposition indifferently. Especially one who does not know the company will be intrigued – what sort of treasure can be hidden within the beautiful boxes?
This is how Pukka offers their organic teas on a cardboard floor display and a counter expositor. In both cases the POS Materials were made from cardboard, kept in warm, intense, energetic colors. The boxes with teas and herbs are equally colorful.
If we take a closer look at the boxes, we will see that the ornament on them is made from intertwining sporty characters and herbs or flowers – exactly those which the tea is made of. For example, Refresh includes a refreshing dose of mint, calming sweet dill and roses. The excellently synchronized packaging is kept in a minty theme, and a skillful eye will notice in the ornament both mint leaves as well as dill or rose flowers.
Connecting the packaging color with the type of tea is a very good solution– relaxing tea is orange, love is rose-red, night is dark blue, mint or green tea is of course in shades of green. A tea over and a fan of organic drinks can probably recognize his preferred tea from just the color of the box.
As the producer assures, by offering such a rich variety of products, they want to give something more than just tasty tea. Drinking Pukka tea is choosing a better world, gaining knowledge about herbs and plants, and through that, learning about one’s own body. Thanks to simple things – often small, pleasant and tasty – one can have a healthier and happier life.
All Pukka teas include the highest quality organic ingredients. They are created using the knowledge of Sebastian Pole, a herb specialist and an expert on their origins. All products also have a certificate of European Organic Farming and Soil Association.