Summer holidays remind us of travelling to sunny places and a relaxing glass of good wine among other things. The producer manager to combine the two possibilities well. When buying wine – we get sunglasses for free.
A small counter display holds only a few pairs of glasses. That is because the idea is to draw the customer’s attention to the wine offer. The display is made of cardboard in sunny yellow color. The artwork also refers to holidays and relaxing on a beach – there is sun, sand and of course, a glass of good wine. And every customer who buys white or rose wine of Antares, CinCin, Dorate, ElSol, Fiore or Sutter Home brand will get a free pair of glasses. Surely anybody who is planning holidays would take the offer.
It could be said jokingly that with such a special offer a relaxing summer is guaranteed and we can see the world… through rose tinted glasses.