“Thomas & Friends” is a cartoon which apart from being fun, takes part in the educational development of...
“Thomas & Friends” is a cartoon which apart from being fun, takes part in the educational development of...
Interesting metal structure encouraging children to read and color The entirety is very simple and in toned down color....
Pilsner Urquell brewery have chosen a classic style stand. It is a simple, but elegant wooden structure. The stand is...
„59% of you chose the legendary taste of Pepsi” – this is the motto of the large palette island in...
Unusual beer exposition in one of the gas stations. The product itself occupies a relatively small part of the stand....
Cardboard stand for Lost Kitties products. They are cat figurines which have been placed in an imitation of a box of...
Metal hanger for Żywiec Zdrój brand water. The exposition is made of specifically bent wire, which allows the bottles...
The new flavor of one of the most recognizable soft drinks, could not do without a dedicated exposition. Pepsi Ginger,...
Durable wooden stand proudly presenting jars filled with sweet nectar produced by bees. The stand has four shelves with...
Refrigerator for non-alcoholic beers of Grupa Żywiec with WOW! effect. Thanks to LED lighting it definitely stands out...
We gladly present the latest project by Emano Displays & POS Materials. Illuminated counter dipsplay meant to...
New iteration of the cardboard stand for LOL dolls. The previous version was described...