The well-known Italian company Pupa, has been present in the Polish market for years. It is known mostly for the mid-price cometics. Last week, the producer has reinforced their presence in Rossman chain by with displays near the checkout areas.
The producer has decided on minimalism and elegance. The small cardboard counter displays have been placed in the checkout area. They have been made in black with a strong polish gloss. The only graphical elements are the logo, promotional photo and the price. Currently 9,99plm, previously 24,99. The base can fit 25 bottles of nail polish.
The large price promotion, good placing of the exposition and a peculiar elegance of this form of presentation of the products are a plus. Duża obniżka, dobre miejsce ekspozycji oraz swoista elegancja tej formy prezentacji produktów to duży plus. Additionally, the renown of a good, known company also affects the customers. The campaign is a success, seeing how there are only a few last bottles of polish in the photo.