
Krombacher – Piwo blisko natury (Niemcy)

Crystal clear water, green meadows, peace and quiet – this picture is the advertisement of Krombacher beer.

It is a beer which places first or second in the German rankings. Very popular also because of the tradition of its production. The brewery which Krumbacher is produced in can boast history of over 700 years. This beer has been produced according to the Law of Purity from 1516, when it regulated, for example, which ingredients could be used in the brewing process. This is why in its contents we can find water, barley malt, hop/hop extract.

The entire display is kept in soft, peaceful themes, reminding us of rest and relaxation, and as such, also of a glass of golden beer. The exposition presents a suitcase useful for vacation. It is a prize which the consumer can win in a special offer organized by the producer.

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